Monday, September 30, 2019

Family in the play Essay

The issues of parentage and family are profoundly of paramount importance in the play The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, both as primary forces motivating the plot and as subjects yielding philosophical speculation and debate. Parentage can be defined as the group of individuals descending from a common ancestor and in Victorian England the issue of parentage was largely touched upon. In fact, appropriate parentage was a key to proving ones place as a member of the upper class of that particular era. Through his work, Wilde attempts to express his views on the matter through his so called â€Å"trivial comedy for serious people† and these views, along with integrated examples from the play itself, are what will form the basis of this essay. The issue of family is introduced from the very first Act, where we observe Algernon Moncrief expecting a visit from his aunt, Lady Bracknell, and her daughter Gwendolyn Fairfax. Even though Algernon has devised the act of Bunburying so as to be able to avoid confronting his family members in order to keep up appearances he agrees to meet Lady Bracknell for tea, even arranging for cucumber sandwiches to be made specially for her visit. The extended cucumber sandwich joke further exemplifies the superficiality of Algernon’s relationship with his Aunt when without realizing it; he steadily devours all the sandwiches that have been meticulously prepared for her visit. The arrival of Algernon’s kin, towards the middle of the first Act is signalled by the sound of the electric bell in a way that â€Å"only relatives, or creditors, ever ring in that Wagnerian manner†, according to Algernon. When Gwendolyn and her mother arrive the issue of parenting immediately comes to the foreground. Lady Bracknell immediately urges her daughter to join her in the kindest of manners: â€Å"Won’t you come and sit here, Gwendolyn? † in an attempt to keep her at her side. Her domineering nature, even over her own daughter, is exposed once again when, rather than asking as before, she states â€Å"Gwendolyn, you will accompany me (into the music room)† . Nevertheless, as in mother-daughter relationships of the present day, children always defy their parents and Gwendolyn does so by intentionally staying behind so as to confront Jack about their relationship. Gwendolyn’s determination and conduct during her brief encounter with Jack does show evidence of her mothers affect on her. Therefore, it is proven true that as stated in one of the most famous witticisms of the play â€Å"All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy†. Nevertheless, the instance during the play where the notion of parentage proves pivotal is during Lady Bracknell’s â€Å"interview† of Jack, so as to see if he would make an eligible husband for her daughter. Here, it is noticeable that even though Lady Bracknell is willing to negotiate with Jack on his political beliefs, hobbies and rather â€Å"unfashionable† place of residence she condemns his marriage to her daughter unless he manages to â€Å"produce at any rate one parent, of either sex, before the season is quite over†. To back up her decision she further clarifies that neither herself nor Lord Bracknell would ever allow their only daughter â€Å"to marry into a cloak-room, and form an alliance with a parcel† as she sweeps out in majestic indignation (as designated by Wilde’s stage instructions). On the basis of Lady Bracknell’s words and actions, it is evident that the fact that Jack was abandoned as a baby without any indication of which family line he descends from excludes him as a potential husband for Gwendolyn, proving just how significant parentage was in the Victorian era. It is common knowledge that above all else both parents and family are responsible for the upbringing of their children by setting the right examples. When crafting the character of Cecily, Wilde depicts the norm that occurs when one loses his/her relatives at a young age. In this case, even though Jack is not Cecily’s blood relative, she is his ward and he -apart from being as her legal guardian- acts as her father figure. Out of sheer respect Cecily addresses him as: â€Å"Uncle Jack† and her gratitude is even more evident in her engraving on his cigarette case: â€Å"from little Cecily with her fondest love†. Ward’s were not uncommon in the Victorian era as mortality rates were high and the average life span was a little over 50 years, but Cecily differs from Jack in the sense that she knows which family line she descends from. To conclude, it has been confirmed that the notion of family and parentage is influential throughout the play. First, it is what drives Algernon to the act of Bunburying. Second, it causes ideals to be projected from mother to daughter (from Lady Bracknell to Gwendolyn). Third, the absence of parentage in Jack’s case constitutes a barrier to his marriage to Gwendolyn and finally in Cecily’s case the absence of her family augments her relationship to Jack, as his beloved ward.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Great Expectations Essay

Great Expectations is the story of distortion expectations cause to judgment. Pip was by nature more inclined towards the stable and moral nature of Joe. It took a long journey of life with some very interesting interludes to make him realize that the influence of Mrs. Havisham was a passing cloud while the influence of Joe was the bellwether that defined the values he can identify his life with. It is an established fact that Dickens uses very obvious doubles and symmetry-building coincidences in his novels. But in this context, it can be argued that Dickens has created two antithetical characters that define the dilemmas of Pip. Joe and Mrs. Havisham can be considered antithetical in almost all respects. In gender, in temperament, in the ways that they handle the hand dealt by fate and the way they go about spreading their life’s philosophies. They are diametrically opposite and this causes the under-current of the Yo-Yo effect experienced by Pip through out his life. In the end it turns out that Joe’s influence on Pip’s character is stronger and that enables the young man to acquire and maintain equanimity in the face of severe odds. It is important to understand the motivations of the two primary characters that have influenced Pip’s perception of the world around him. In his initial days he was Je was his best friend. In spite of his lowly station in life of a blacksmith and the misfortune f beng tied to a shrewish wife, (Pip’s sister), Joe could retain a sense of contentment with his life and he instilled the pleasures of small gestures of Joy in human life and the value of honest, and dedicated effort towards one’s vocation. Where as Mrs. Havisham is stuck in a time warp and insists on having all the clock’s the â€Å"Satis House†, her mansion stuck at twenty minutes past nine, the same time she learnt that she had been unceremoniously dumped on the day of her wedding. She clings to the fading wedding dress more to remind herself of the injustice her bride groom inflicted on her. Further she adopts Estelle, only to groom her to break men’s hearts and grow insensitive to the possibility of true and faithful love. This is a basic difference in the characters of the two primary influences on young Pip. To the young mind of Pip, the melancholy haunting of the Satis house and the perennial mourning of Mrs. Havisham carry more romantic appeal than the robust and lively philosophy of his brother-in-law. While Joe advocates the cheer of accepting the cards dealt by destiny, Mrs. Havisham chooses to make her misery the constant chant of her life and the driving motivation. In the first stage of expectations, Pip is enamored with Estelle and he sees acquisition of a higher standard in life surrounding the existing class system and the presence of money power to be a prerequisite to happiness. He goes on to forget his station in life until a rude reminder comes in the form of Mrs. Havisham’s instructions that he should be taking up apprenticeship with Joe. This rude jolt leads Pip to unreasonably resent the kind hearted Joe and his own low living standard. He then discovers that he has been left a sizable fortune and leaves to London to be groomed to become a gentleman. It is here that he meets people like Brentley Drummle, who remain brutish in spite of the inherited wealth and apparent grooming and culture. This stage in the expectations for Pip is marked by the absence of Joe but it is the influence of Joe’s grooming that he is constantly plagued by guilt when he learns that his benefactor is the same convict who had induced him to steal form his own house when he was a kid. The reference points for the values to be followed in life, in the case of Pip are steeped in the common justice notions of Joe. Towards the end of the novel, however, Mrs. Havisham recognizes her folly and confesses to Pip that in her hunger for revenge, she inflicted the same pain as she had experienced on Pip by making Estelle be aloof to him and ultimately marry Drummle. It is worthy to note that the confession comes at a time when Pip is highly disturbed by his aspiration of a higher standard in life and the attached disappointments ad uncertainties he experiences in its quest. If he is able to forgive Mrs. Havisham and even make a heroic effort to save her from fire, it is the rustic goodness instilled in him by Joe, not through long lectures but by example of a fruitful life, led with contentment in the service of others. The reconciliation at the end of the novel, the second and the most popular ending (the characteristic happy ending of Dickens). Mrs. Havisham lives all her life by the terms of remorse, revenge and recrimination. While Joe leads his life in an uncomplicated way to enable people around him to blossom on their own. This during the early years of Pip helps form the moral core that makes Pip a heroic character. It is important to notice that the two characters or the two major influences are majorly contradictory. Mrs. Havisham mourns while Joe makes peace with his world. Ms. Havisham wants revenge, while Joe would rather forgive and forget. Mrs. Havisham is ready to sacrifice another life to further her dearly held wishes of retribution on male species, while Joe still retains faith in his ability to love even after having a shrewish wife in whose care he leaves no stone unturned. After her death and without undue haste he remarries Biddy reaffirming his faith in human goodness. Pip’s actions and his motivations of kindness towards the convict, Mrs. Havisham, and later towards Estelle in the end of the novel speak more about the positive and warm influence of Joe Grager, his brother-in-law, than the scheming or desolate influence of Mrs. Havisham

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Chip of Glass Ruby Responses

A Chip Of Glass Ruby Written Responses 11. I would describe Bamjee as aloof and proud. Aloof because he doesn’t show his emotions very much or say how he’s feeling or talk to his stepchildren very much. Showing his true feelings only this one time, Bamjee reveals his opinions when the police come to arrest his wife for participating in and promoting a cause that he is opposed to. Before and after that outburst of his though he really is rather distant and detached from his family and what’s going on.As aloof as Bamjee is, he is also quite proud. He is proud that wealthy and influential people are coming and going through his house, but he is even more proud of his ethnicity. He is proud because he is Indian which means he is of a higher social status than the Bantu. 12. When Mrs. Bamjee was taken away by the police she reminded Bamjee about Ismail’s, Mrs. Bamjee’s daughter Girlie’s fiance’s, engagement party.This shows that even in the midst of the arrest she keeps her cool and remains the good and normal wife that Bamjee fell in love with by reminding him of something as insignificant as an engagement party. Protesting and promoting equality, she is still a simple Indian woman who wants the best for her family and to respect the values of others (in this case, making sure not to offend Ismail by not showing up to his party). 13. In South Africa the social classes are prominent barricades from equality in the country.Having the highest social status, the whites remain the most powerful while the Indians, like Bamjee, are below them and even lower are the Bantu, the native people of South Africa. Bamjee considers himself better than the Bantu and this is showed in the story when he snaps at her â€Å"There you are! That’s what you’ve got for it. † ‘It’ referring to her helping organize the protests and getting involved in the issues of the Bantu. Another part of the story that dem onstrates Bamjee’s belief of his superiority over the Bantu is after Mrs.Bamjee has been arrested and gone for two weeks. Bamjee is talking to himself out of rage saying â€Å"For a crowd of natives who’ll smash our shops and kill us in our houses when their time comes. †, â€Å"She will starve herself to death. †, â€Å"She will die there. †, â€Å"Devils who will burn and kill us. † Clearly he believes that his wife must not be acting so ridiculous for people she is better than and clearly he believes the Bantu to be devilish creatures.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Cultural Impacts of Industrial Revolution on the People of China Assignment

Cultural Impacts of Industrial Revolution on the People of China - Assignment Example Mao Zedong is the leader who led to the significant drawback. Mao did not support the learning process because he believed that the process was tedious for the children and the students needed the first hand experience in agriculture. The ideology of Mao Zedong was based on the principle of simplicity. The country experienced significant problems with the approach developed by Mao Zedong. The drought experienced at the end of the period led to serious catastrophe. The impact of the cultural revolution by Mao Zedong Cultural Revolution took place from 1966 to 1976 under the leadership of Mao Zedong. The goal of Mao was to establish a more effective bureaucracy. Mao employed the young people to spread the idea of socialism around china. The impact of the Cultural Revolution was so adverse that it affected the industrialization of the country. It had a negative impact on the people and the economy a major drawback affecting even the foreign countries. The Cultural Revolution was based o n the concept that the schools did not offer proper learning because of the complexity. The complexity was the major issue the group highlighted in the education system (McCarty 67). Mao’s plan was to brainwash the Chinese citizens in order for them to uneducated and mindless. During the Cultural Revolution May Chinese students were not able to study because they were forced to farm and do manual labor. The values of the Cultural Revolution were taught in schools because it was a requirement of the government. Additionally, during 1966 and 1967, the students were required to complete a course covering the ideals of the Cultural Revolution in order to graduate. The process blocked many students making the completion of the school impossible and increased school drop outs. Over four million high school and college graduates were sent to farm land where they ended up being working in the farms instead of industries. The success of the move was evident because many talented stude nts were wasted by sticking and working in the fields. The ten years of Mao Zedong leadership brought with it significant challenges and affected the economy of china by changing the educational system. The impact of the change was handled for very many years later (McCarty 89). Mao’s philosophy led to adverse problems in all the sectors of the economy leading to serious problems. The industrialization era was postponed to after the end of the Cultural Revolution. Therefore, the country's industrialization was postponed until 1970s. The industrialization of china occurred later on compared to the western world. Industrialization and the Chinese culture Industrialization affected the Chinese culture significantly. The major change occurred in the social values of the community. The industrial revolution brought with it the several challenges including the creation of a great divide in the classes and class warfare. The new culture created the rich in the society with their foc us being on the acquisition of wealth and greed. The poverty gap increased after the end of the Cultural Revolution. The Cultural Revolution helped in creating a balance between the rich and the poor through the use of equity. The change from the agrarian revolution came to an end with the start of the industrial revolution with the Chinese citizen. The citizens were forced to take up jobs in the companies with the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Risk management Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words

Risk management - Literature review Example A probabilistic incident like oil spill event or oil spill contact to an environmentally responsive area cannot be forecasted; only an approximation of its likelihood can be quantified (Scarlett, Linkov and Kousky, 2011, p.20). Before applying the risk management practices; risk assessment should be done in order to know that what can go wrong at a definite time period and what the outcome will be if it does. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the probable occurrences that could lead to an oil spill, together with the feasible resulting impacts. (Imo, 2010, p.3). This paper will focus on the methodology and structure, purposes of risk management, application of risk management in oil exploration programs, identification of spillage risks, risk assessment of oil spillage risks, risk response planning for oil spillage risks and risk monitoring and control for oil spillage risks. 1.1. Aims and Objectives Aims: The aim of this paper is to develop a framework that will help the compan ies in order to control their oil spillage risks in oil exploration programs. Objectives: The objectives will be to investigate the nature of oil spillage risks; identify and summarize the existing understanding about oil spillage risk management; discover good practices in managing oil spillage risks and to provide a new framework that summarizes the findings and can be used further for managing oil spillage risks. Besides this, the paper has also focused on different methods used to manage the risk of oil spillage. 1.2. Background 1.2.1. The nature of oil spillage risk in oil exploration program The oil industry is concerned with a long history of spills on the North Slope and the probability of future spills is high. Indeed, there has been an oil spillage once a day, on... From this research it is clear that the oil industry is concerned with a long history of spills on the North Slope and the probability of future spills is high. Indeed, there has been an oil spillage once a day, on average, from the time when gas and oil development began on the North Slope. In order to make the subject worse, ocean currents move the chemicals and oil hundreds of miles. Further, in the Arctic Ocean, cleaning up oil spills would lead to enormous challenges. Suppression and recovery at sea hardly ever leads to the removal of more than a comparatively small fraction of a large oil spill, i.e. only 10-15% and often significantly less. Till date, no technology subsists in order to clean up oil in the sea ice circumstances and late-season spills would stay behind until the following year. Furthermore, cold water splits down oil much more slowly than the warm water. Climate change has considerably weakened the basis on which Arctic ecosystems function. Species mainly at ris k include polar bear, walruses, ringed seals, beluga and bowhead whales and coastal birds. So, it is found that the environmental risk is associated with the oil exploration programs. Oil spillage refers to an unintentional release of oil in a water body due to human activity and is regarded as form of pollution. Oil spillage occurs due to release of crude oil from underwater wells and pipeline, or offshore drilling rig, or a tanker, frequently presenting a danger to marine life and environment.

Advantages and disadvantages of having hackers or other systems Essay

Advantages and disadvantages of having hackers or other systems intruders as your IT security guardians - Essay Example ‘Hacker’ is very commonly used term in computer technology and refers to wickedness, deceitful individual who is intended to steal some kind of information or data and burglarizes the business or personal computers. Despite the fact that there are some benefits of engaging a hacker as a member of corporation’s information technology staff since a corporation that upholds a corporate website and domestic network is capable to take advantage of the experiences built by the hacker. In other words, it can be said that all the hackers are not bad a number of them get through the network safety in an effort to teach various users (Marsh, 2011). This paper is also about the assessment of some of the main aspects regarding the varied nature of hackers. The basic aim of this research is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having hackers or other systems intruders as our business IT security guardians. What do hackers know that you (or your other IT people) don't know? Computer hackers have been using the weaknesses of any corporate network or else communication systems that are exposed to them, in computer networks. Though the reason can be that number of people using internet for some reason have been rising more and more every year, this outlines that a hacker can well be among one of them. As a matter of this realism, numerous unofficial groups of hackers explicitly have shown information, on, how they go about contravention effectively into some corporate computer systems (ISA, 2005). For the assessment of a hacker that is engaged for good intention will typically concentrate on how technology could be utilized to improve business production while illicit hackers pay their significant concentration on how technology is competent to be perverted as well as controlled (Purewire, Inc., 2010) and (Kelton, 2010). As the subsequent production of IT networking, the wireless 802.11 standard LANs are as well the novel playing fields for hackers . However, the security actions such as effectual encryptions and validation for standard wireless LANs are yet mounting; on the other hand, hackers have access to the user-friendly tools that are able to open more and more complicated attacks that are very dangerous to the information resources of the organizations. In this scenario, a number of enterprises make the blunder of considering that they do not need to agonize regarding wireless safety if they are operating non-mission decisive systems by means of non-susceptible data and information all through their wireless communication LANs. Though, a small number of networks function as isles of computerization. The majority of them make their connection with the enterprise backbone at a number of points, and hackers are capable to utilize the wireless LAN like a start point to the whole network. Therefore, each entrance indicating that network is supposed to be protected. During the summer time of year 2002, a trade chain was stat ed to be operating its typical wireless LAN with no some structure of encryption. The seller replied through stating that its wireless LAN simply managed its inventory function, consequently encryption was not desirable. Though, the open links invites hackers to watch about on the network to probably acquire access into secret client records or else sensitive business details plus information (AirDefense, Inc. , 2003) and (Kelton, 2010). Policies should IT security consultants be allowed to break in pursuit of security threats or threateners? There are two types of hackers. First type is known as White hat and other is Black hat. White hat hackers are those persons who are hired for positive purposes and for the effective management of business as well as corporate operations whereas the black hat hackers are opposite in nature. White

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Data Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Data Analysis - Essay Example these variables in each institution, variables in clued job knowledge, communication and English skills, quality of work, cooperation, punctuality and attendance, productivity and initiative. All these variables are important to an organization and will determine the profitability and productivity of an organization, an organization that employs workers with required job knowledge, good communication skills and computer skills are much more likely to have competitive advantage over the others, also these organization will increase their productivity which means that less inputs will be needed in terms of labor hours top accomplish certain tasks, as a result the organization will tend to record higher profits. Using the data collected we use a scale to quantify this data and determine the institution that records higher values for each variable, the higher the value means that the institution is more efficient in providing these skills to their students. This information will help these institutions to improve on their weaknesses and also it will be important to employing organizations whereby they will be in a position to choose the best institution to undertake training. The first step was to prepare a questionnaire that would be appropriate in collecting required data, the aim of this study was to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each organization in training students, therefore the questionnaire had to include measures of the job knowledge, productivity, communication and other personal qualities. The questionnaire was pretested to rectify any biasness and when the questionnaires were ready they were given to the respondents. The population was then identified in order to determine the sample size. The population used in this study was the organizations whose training sites were the three training institutes which amounted to 37 organizations. A random sample of 50 respondents was selected from the organizations and questionnaires were emailed.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Vietnam War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

The Vietnam War - Essay Example In their attempt to prevent Vietnam from being a Communist country, the United States opted to help France in defeating Vietnam and its revolutionaries. US, therefore, sent military aid to the French in 1950. US troop’s quantity continued increasing over time until April 1969, when they reached a climax of 5434000. There were a total of 2.7 million Americans serving in South Vietnam. 58000 of them died or went missing, while 300000 others were wounded. It has been documented that the American government spent over 140 billion dollars on this war. Despite this gigantic military effort by the US, its objectives were not achieved by the end of the war. That failure has led, to date, searching answers to why the war was actually fought, and whether better military and diplomatic outcome was possible for America (Lawrence 129). After suffering a significant defeat at Dien Bien Phu in 1954, French decided to leave Vietnam. A number of countries met at the 1954 Geneva Conference in t heir effort to determine how French would have withdrawn from Vietnam peacefully. From the conference, came an agreement that has been referred to as the Geneva Accords. It stipulated a composed extraction of French forces and a momentary splitting up of Vietnam across the 17th parallel (Wiest 23). This 17th parallel ended up splitting Vietnam into non-communist South Vietnam and communist North Vietnam. In addition to this, the conference agreed that a general independent election would be held in 1956 in order to bring back together the nation under a single government. Fearing that the communists would win during the election, the United States was against the election. South Vietnam, with the help of America, carried out the election within South Vietnam, rather than the entire country. Ngo...As the war between the South Vietnamese and the Viet Cong progressed, the United States, on the other hand, sent more guides to South Vietnam. On August 2nd, 1964 the North Vietnamese fired straight on two American vessels in global waters. This firing has been known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. The Congress acted in response with what has been referred to as the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. US president, President Johnson’s intention for the US taking part in the Vietnam War was not for America to prevail in the war, but for the US to reinforce South Vietnam’s defenses so that South Vietnam would take over leadership. Critics have argued that by getting involved in the Vietnam War without a goal to come first, President Johnson set a weak foundation for later open and military troop disappointments for America. This is one of the greatest impacts that the Vietnam War had on the Cold War, as far as American’s success was concerned. The Vietnam War was a turning point for the Cold War, as Americans realized that their military troops were not comparable to others in strength and not able to win in any war. They needed better modus operandi and org anization. Between 1965 and 1969, the Americans were majorly involved in a restricted war in Vietnam. Even though aerial bombing was still present at the North, President Johnson intended the fighting to be limited only to the South. This limitation ensured that the United States troops would not perform severe ground physical attacks at the North to directly attack the communists.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Matthew effect Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Matthew effect - Movie Review Example The different researchers and experts in the show are keen to highlight that their studies have revealed that children have different cognitive abilities. Some children face difficulties in learning how to read, whereas others register immediate progress upon entry into school. A difference in a few months of joining school can have a remarkable difference in the academic progress of students in kindergarten especially in their ability to read. The show also discusses the effects of redshirting children in kindergarten extending the experiences in the lower levels of learning. However, redshirting can introduce differences in the reading abilities of children with some children becoming the oldest in the class (Redd). In my opinion, the Mathew effect has the potential to affect the life of an individual. According to Gladwell featured in the video, teachers are more likely to give attention to students who post a better performance. Therefore, the gap between the good and poor performers only widens over time. Therefore, there is a salient need of presenting students with similar learning opportunities in order to minimize the gap in cognitive skills brought about by the Mathew effect

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Developing an English Language Curriculum Essay Example for Free

Developing an English Language Curriculum Essay The problem at hand involves developing a curriculum for English language that is suited for all people, coming from all over the country; even those without the basic knowledge of the language. The problem entails finding out the basis of developing such a curriculum, analyzing the content and coverage of such a curriculum, testing the suitability of it to the users, outlining a sample curriculum and finding out the possible outcome of such a curriculum. The problem will also discuss the likelihood of making compromises, possible compromises, the groups affected and how to counteract the effects of such compromises. Theoretical Background and Analysis Curriculum development for languages has for a good length of time been based on; developing language responsiveness, developing confidence and competence in the use of English language, trying to instil into the learners the cognitive capability, training learners to develop language imaginative and emotional skills via oral, reading and writing skills. In trying to develop any teaching curriculum, one can focus on the above as guideline. Traditionally, the curriculum activities have been determined by use of a particular set of goals needed to be achieved. Hence one would sit down and analyze the particular things he wanted to achieve then go ahead and develop a systematic way to end up with the desired results. Failure to achieve these results would be followed by corrective measures to the curriculum. However, further developments to this has led to another way of developing a curriculum based on the path or route used to achieving desired results other than the one based on developing a curriculum on goal basis. A curriculum can be developed on the basis of tasks (Nunan, 1998). One approach focuses on analyzing the psycholinguistics involved in the acquisition of a second language and activation of such in a classroom. The other approach basically focuses on the purpose the learners need the language for. Nunan and Lockwood (1991) have come up with a model to implement the latter approach. This involves allowing learners develop the skills of the language, offer a chance to analyze and listen on how sample tasks are solved, giving a grammatically instructed guidance for performance of various tasks, and stimulating them to develop skills that are emerging in them via rehearsal. We must however put into consideration the problem at hand; that the students will be expected to learn a second language, in this case English. Much as they will try to be given the above guidelines we can also be guided by a model suited for them. Two models can be focused as a basis for this: (a) The rehearsal rationale path which focuses on what they will be intending to do with the language they are learning. (b) Psycholinguistic model which answers the question on the required mechanisms to acquire a second language. I do therefore propose that such a curriculum would entail courses that will make the learners be assimilated into a culture of having a positive response to using the English language as pertaining communication on a daily basis, training them how to communicate, write, think critically and solve problems using the language. Basically, since the language entails being able to read, write (which would demand knowledge on the grammar, use the language mechanics, penmanship and spelling), to listen and speak all these would be part and passel of the curriculum. Arising Effects and Addressing the Problem It is hard to develop a compromise curriculum for everyone. While some would view such changes as only a waste of time and derailing their time in school since they know the basics, the learners would find an opportunity to assimilate what is necessary to give them an easier time in school. A compromise must however reduce the likelihood of going into what the newcomers can found out for themselves. Since they already have come to study various courses in the institution, it can be assumed as well that most of them will be aware of the challenges involved. Instead of say establishing a separate academic year to go through the curriculum, the curriculum can be made to fit into their program as they go through other courses of their study. One can therefore fit in two courses of studying English in their first year of study. The first course, for example can contain courses for the students to learn communication, writing and reading skills, while in the subsequent term, the second course can entail courses challenging students to thinking critically, analytical skills, interpretation skills, and using the language to formulate ideas. It must be considered that students will have to be exposed to acquiring a second language by presenting one which is a bit more complex that which they have and they will gain maximally. This was a belief in input hypothesis by Krashen (1981, 1982) which has acted on for many researches. The next step would entail finding out what majority of the learners will be, their background languages and how the curriculum can be suited to favour them. A research will need to be conducted to establish what the current situation is on the ground, necessity of having such a curriculum, its implications to the students already in the institution and how they think they can be helped. It would be of little need to establish a curriculum that only duplicates work and overloads the students. In deed, this can be solved by carrying out an extensive research on the need for it, even before it is designed. Once there is enough evidence that such a curriculum is of necessity, one can go ahead and design it. It would be better to incorporate the views of the intended beneficiaries to this project. The curriculum should be geared towards making sure that the students also benefit in usage of the language in other disciplines other than English itself. Therefore, a good connectivity between English language skills should be ensured by the curriculum being implemented. Implementation and Review Once the program has been implemented, there is need to keep on acquiring the feed back from the beneficiaries pertaining various courses, their benefits and what they think can be done to improve on the arising difficulties, analyzing the elements of the feed back and carrying out the corrective measures as pertaining course improvement. Conclusion In the above analysis, I have provided a basis model which can be used in developing an English language curriculum, and sort to solve problems related to its introduction in any learning environment. The implementation and review section seeks to give an outline how one can put into action such a curriculum and review it. Remember that a good curriculum is the one that accomplishes its intended purpose satisfactorily. It does not mean that it is free from difficulties, but these must be dealt with. Reference NCCA (2008): Curriculum Online. Retrieved from, http://82. 195. 132. 34/index. asp?locID=399docID=-1, on September 10, 2008 Krashen, S. (1981). Second language acquisition and second language learning. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Krashen, S. (1982). Principles and practice in second language acquisition. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Nunan D. (1998). Communicative Tasks and the Language Curriculum. Macquarie University Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois. Retrieved from http://www. iei. uiuc. edu/TESOLOnline/texts/nunan/index. html on September 10, 2008. Nunan, D. , Lockwood, J. (1991). The Australian English course: Task based English for post-beginners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Privacy Issues in Social Networking and Social Media

Privacy Issues in Social Networking and Social Media Sophie Muthen Privacy is becoming increasingly irrelevant in the context of social networking sites and social media. Discuss. Nowadays sharing personal information on social networking sites (SNS) has become a social norm, users feel comfortable about sharing their private life online but the issues of privacy online still remains. Martin Zuckerberg stated himself in 2010 that users of SNS have now become more open, sharing more and more personal information online and with a greater number of people. This may have become a social norm in our modern times but users should keep in mind that those information can be used in harmful ways such as for identity theft or stalking. Therefore a balance should be kept between online disclosure and privacy as tipping the scales may be harmful to the users. Users of SNS should take into consideration what kind of information they share online and to whom it should be divulged to. This is why users of social networking sites should develop technical skills to protect their privacy online. This essay will explore the different privacy issues people may face on SNS and ho w a balance between online disclosure and privacy should be maintained to successfully function in both the online and offline world. A clear understanding of social networking sites and privacy issues online is the key to this issue. In the recent years social networking sites (SNS) have attracted millions of people as on such sites people can communicate in various ways. As Beye et al. (n.d) SNS allow people to create a network that represent their social ties, easily share media content online, provides a communication channel and share the daily aspect of their life with friends. However there are potential threats that are posed to privacy of the users, as due to SNS personal information are exposed to a wider audience and often information about a user are posted by others without the his or her consent. Therefore social media complicates the boundaries of what personal information are rendered public. Users of SNS have become so comfortable with the sharing of personal information online that they are not aware of the dangers they face online due to privacy issues. Sharing our everyday life with friends and relatives with just a few clicks is indeed nice but people often forget that digital information is â€Å"persistent and can arbitrarily be copied, distributed, and repurposed† (Debatin, 2011, p. 57). When creating a profile on SNS you are to provide information such as your age, name and the country where you live. These information can easily be accessed either by the public or hackers and this is what leads to identity thefts. As all your personal information are available on the site anyone can use this information to steal the identity of users. Another problem that arises from privacy issues is stalking. Zheleva and Geetor (2009) explains that while the user may choose to make his profile private the friendship links and group affiliation are often visible to the p ublic. This is how the information leaks occurs, people not in your group of friends can see the posts in which you are tagged in which is how they may be able to access your personal information even though your profile remains private. These information link may allow stalkers to follow your activities online. This may also happen when you befriend people online without knowing their identity. Nowadays it has become a trend to share your everyday activity online, for example, you could post that you are at Bagatelle mall right now. This may allow stalkers to know your every move and schedule daily. The problem of stalkers can also be linked to sexual predators, who looks for younger girls on SNS and add them as friends, they then view the personal information of those girls and stalk them online. Another privacy that users can face is that the information they shared remains online even after four to five years when they have forgotten about it. Companies or the law for investigat ions of social background. Users should be aware of those various privacy issues and share personal information with caution on SNS. While discretion should be exercised when sharing personal information online, there are various benefits to online disclosure. In real life when forming social bonds you selectively reveal personal information, to feel closer to the person and get to know each other. Therefore when doing so on social networking sites (SNS) people also create social bonds with each other. They get to know each other and form friendships but in an online environment. So, SNS has given people a network where they can socialize and form social bonds with people without being limited by distance or time. For example, a man from Mauritius could be able to communicate with a woman from France if he wishes to. SNS have therefore removed this barrier of distance in socialization, allowing people from all other the world to communicate with each other. â€Å"Benniger (1987) describes how mass media has gradually replaced interpersonal communication as a socializing force† (Barnes, 2006). SNS have also increased the number of people with who we can socialize with as due to those websites users are able to form social bonds with multiple people at the same time. â€Å"SNSs have amplified the threshold to the number of social bonds any one human can have† (Papacharissi Gibson, 2011, p. 82). When using SNS you share personal information about yourself, which in turn allows you to connect with people with similar interests or mind set. This allow people to feel less isolated as they are able to communicate with people which are similar to them and they are even able â€Å"mobilize to address the issues that matter to them† (Westlake, 2008, p. 37). The ability to connect with people through social networking sites has made us arguably more social. A balance between online disclosure and privacy is essential for SNS to have a beneficial effect on people’s life. As Debatin (2011) explains, people don’t often realise the importance of privacy as the impact of disclosure is not immediate whereas the benefits of SNS are tangible and felt immediately. While privacy is a basic human right acknowledged by the UN Declaration of Human Rights, users of SNS have to insist on their privacy rights and acquire the technical skills to be able to protect their privacy online. To do so users must be aware of the privacy issues they face online and develop strategies to solve this issues. Nowadays users of social networking sites can choose the level of privacy on their profile, they are able to manage their online privacy themselves and decide if certain information will be visible to the public or only to their friends. â€Å"In order to address users’ privacy concerns, a number of social media and social network websites , such as Facebook, Orkut and Flickr, allow their participants to set the privacy level of their online profiles and to disclose either some or none of the attributes in their profiles† (Zheleva Getoor, 2009, p. 531). Users must therefore learn how to manage those privacy settings to build a secure environment on SNS which will then prevent them from facing issues such as identity theft or stalking. They must make the most of the features provided by SNS to protect their privacy. Developing the appropriate skills to use social networking sites allow users to maintain the fragile balance between online disclosure and privacy. Social media has changed our mind set concerning the amount of personal information that should or should not be rendered public. In the late 1990’s when the internet began gaining popularity it was almost unthinkable to post your photo, location or even your real name online. With SNSs finding success in the mid 2000’s, people allowed this technology to enlarge their comfort zones, as it gave them more freedom to share personal information online and therefore with time making them feel more at ease to do so. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg even goes as far as saying that â€Å"privacy is no longer a social norm† (BCS, 2010). We have been changed by this new technology and while online disclosure has many benefits such as uniting people and creating social bonds, users must keep in mind that they must make the most social networking sites while keeping their right to privacy intact. It has been argued that a balance between privacy and online disclosure is essential when sharing information on SNSs. The dangers of not taking into consideration privacy issues were weighed up against the social benefits of disclosure. It was therefore concluded that the logical solution was for users of SNSs to understand the functioning of social sites and make the best of their privacy settings to create a safe environment online for them to communicate and share personal information with other people. The potential of SNSs to create social enhancement should be embraced but a balance must be constantly kept between privacy and online disclosure. References Barnes, S. (2006). A privacy paradox: Social networking in the United States.First Monday,11(9). doi:10.5210/fm.v11i9.1394,. (2015).Zuckerberg: Privacy no longer a social-norm | BCS The Chartered Institute for IT. Retrieved 1 June 2015, from Beye, M., Jeckmans, A., Arkins, Z., Hartel, P., Lagendijk, R., Tang, Q. Privacy in Online Social Networks, 1-3. Retrieved from Boyd, D., Hargittai, E. (2010). Facebook privacy settings: Who cares?.First Monday,15(8). doi:10.5210/fm.v15i8.3086 Debatin, B. (2011). Ethics, Privacy, and Self-Restraint in Social Networking. In S. Trepte L. Reinecke (Eds.), Privacy Online: Perspectives on Privacy and Self-Disclosure in the Social Web (pp. 47-60). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Dwyer, C., Hiltz, S., Passerini, K. (2007). Trust and privacy concern within social networking sites: A comparison of Facebook and MySpace. Houghton, D., Joinson, A. (2010). Privacy, Social Network Sites, and Social Relations.Journal Of Technology In Human Services,28(1-2), 74-94. doi:10.1080/15228831003770775 Madden, M. (2012). Privacy management on social media sites. Papacharissi, Z. Gibson, P. L. (2011). Fifteen Minutes of Privacy: Privacy, Sociality, and Publicity on Social Network Sites. In S. Trepte L. Reinecke (Eds.), Privacy Online: Perspectives on Privacy and Self-Disclosure in the Social Web (pp. 74-89). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Walther, J. B. (2011). Introduction to Privacy Online. In S. Trepte L. Reinecke (Eds.), Privacy Online: Perspectives on Privacy and Self-Disclosure in the Social Web (pp. 3-8). Berlin: Springer-Verlag Westlake, E. (2008). Friend Me if You Facebook: Generation Y and Performative Surveillance.TDR/The Drama Review,52(4), 21-40. doi:10.1162/dram.2008.52.4.21 Zheleva, E., Getoor, L. (2009). To Join or Not to Join: The Illusion of Privacy in Social Networks with Mixed Public and Private User Profiles, 531-535. Retrieved from Sophie Muthen 18073799 Essay

Friday, September 20, 2019

Motivation in Sales Industry

Motivation in Sales Industry In this project I am going to talk about Performance management which I faced when I was doing job with Reliance Life Insurance as a sales manager. The sales job is based on performance based and a person should be high motivated to achieve the given targets if he is not motivated he will not perform well and this is a loss for him as well as for company also. I faced lots of problem at my work place because there was a big preacher of work and no time to do that and my advisor were not that much efficient to get good business for the company. Reliance company triad to motivate his advisor by giving different training. Many people are facing the same problem at their work place and this is very important part of our life. There are some other problems which come in the performance management which leads to failure. In this project I will relate performance management with different motivation theories and problems in performance management, behaviour of the individual which affect th is in different way. Finding the solution of motivation to perform well and what manager should do to motivate his employee to work hard. Introduction In sales job people are facing so much performance preacher and motivation is playing a big role to achieve the target and helping to improve their performance. Performance management is the how people are working to towards their objective (performance management). Objective can be short-term or annual; the important is how is the balance between defining what the organisation requires to be achieved and what is the motivation towards achieving target [1] (The motivation hand book, Hollyforde and Whiddett, pg- 217). Performance is based on individual behaviour. According Susan M. Heathfield Performance management is a work environment which we create for those people who are enabled to perform beat as per their ability. Performance management starts with job with whole work system and its and when employee leave the job [4].In other word we can say the performance management is contribution of effective management by individual or team to achieve high level of organisation performan ce [2].overall we can say the performance management is important in every organization and to do it effectively motivation is very important. Company Introduction My company was Reliance Life Insurance which deals in life insurance business. Company has many branches in India and many employees working in this company. As sales manager we have to make our own advisor to get business. Company started in 2006 with investment of 11 million dollar. Structure- The organization structure of the company as branch level is Branch Manager is on the top level of the branch and then Sales manager and the Advisor. Branch manager take daily report from sales manager and the sales manager take business from the advisor and its a tough marketing job to take business from the advisor because of the high competitive market. Sales manager has to motivate his advisor to get good business. Sales job is a performance based job if you perform well you will get good inactive, rewards, promotion. You will get this if you achieve your given targets and if you are highly motivated. The issue or Problems- The insurance company itself passing through different advisor problems because only advisor get business from the market and they must be responsible for their work. To motivate advisor company followed the McGregor X theory of motivation. Advisor on the other hand suffered from the hygiene factor and to resolve this company use theory which given by the Frederick for motivation. The expectancy theory for high moral and there expectation from there work to increase business of the company. Take all issue of the advisor and apply different theory of motivation can help to improve performance. THE X THEORY OF MOTIVATION BY MCGREGOR According to x theory of McGregor, average employee dont like to work because he is directed, controlled, corrected towards organization long-term goal. People try to work on that why so that they can avoid responsibility. They run from their responsibility because they dont get know the benefits of the good work. In my company we facing there problem because of this system going on the X theory of McGregor and the company assume that advisor do not want to work because they were not trained and they were highly demotivated because lake of training and no clear organization goal. The management realise the situation and tried to resolve this by giving high training of business and motivation. THE EXPECTANCY THEORY OF MOTIVATION- The expectancy theory of motivation says that work react according to the force of environment. Course of action depends on person to person, perceived action lead people to choose their action and in the possible alternative people use rational choices. Its a subjective probability; the act of the person will lead to a certain outcome. There are many factors that shows that weather a person perform as desired expectancy theory formulates this uncertainty as effort of performance expectancy, only hard work gives outcome. The second theory says that performance followed by the outcome. This outcome includes awards, promotion, pay increase and bonus. The third theory is valence. It has a range of value expressing the degree of avoidance or attraction which shows that the person is associate with the income. The function of motivation is F=V X I X E and this is based on assumptions. The effect of valence in Reliance Life Insurance Company and by motivational point of view can say that there was low morale level in the advisor and on fair input by them. The expectancy level was also very low because there was no reward for the good work. If any advisor doing good job he got treated same as other low performer advisor. This behaviour increase dissatisfaction among the good advisors. TWO FACTOR MOTIVATION THEORY BY HERZBERG- American psychologist Frederick Herzberg develops the theory of job enrichment at first and it say the different factor between the job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction. The first factor is about motivator as known as job or content factor and the second factor is known as hygiene factor or organizational context factor. The advisor of the Reliance Company were unskilled and their work satisfaction dependent upon hygiene factor. Insurance company need to redesign the job to increase the business by motivation which lead the performance improvement, absence of hygiene factor and the reward system in the company and thats why the advisor were not satisfied with job. Advisor were not satisfied with this at all because other factor like socioeconomic, personal factor also affect this and the absence of hygiene factor like irregularity in commission, rewards etc. also there. The company policy in this mater was not good and the expectancy level of the sales manager and the advisor cam e down very low. GOAL SETTING THEORY OF MOTIVATION OR TASK MOTIVATION THEORY The immediate relationship between employees pay and performance is goal setting theory. There are different preposition in goal setting theory. This preposition lead certain specific goal which followed by motivational techniques. Difficult goal According to E.A.Locke More difficult goal result in higher level of performance then easy goals. Specific goal Specific goals produce higher level of performance than general goals. This goals shows performance. Behavioural intention This theory is the intention to make a certain task choice or to respond in a certain way. Knowledge of result For the effective goal setting the feedback is very important. As per the company point the management should know the result of their decision.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Lets Put an End to Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation Essay

We Must Put an End to Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation Without animal research, cures for such diseases as typhoid, diphtheria, and polio might never have existed. Without animal research, the development of antibiotics and insulin would have been delayed. Without animal research, many human beings would now be dead. However, because of animal testing, 200,000 dogs, 50,000 cats, 60,000 primates, 1.5 million hamsters, and uncounted millions of rats and mice are experimented upon and die each year, as living fodder for the great human scientific machine. Some would say that animal research is an integral part of progress; unfortunately, this is often true. On the whole, animal testing is a necessary evil that should be reduced and eliminated whenever possible. Since the time of Aristotle, animals have been used to further human progress. When Galen pioneered the study of anatomy or when Harvey discovered the circulation of blood, they used animals as a vital portion of their work. Why? Because at the time there was no alternative short of testing on human beings, an option very few would morally accept then or even now. Throughout all of human history, the pattern has remained the same—human technological and scientific progress has always involved testing on animals. Without that testing, modern medicine would be a shadow of what it is today. Many modern procedures stem directly from testing with animals. In addition, doctors and surgeons receive much of their training with the living tissues of animals. Computer simulations and other methods simply cannot compete with experience on a living being. For example, the United States Army formerly shot goats to train physician responses to gunshot wounds (Cole ... ... Rights and Wrongs.† Taking Sides: Psychological Issues. Gilford: Dushkin Publishing Group, 2011. Lane, Stuart. â€Å"Banning Animal Testing May Be Hazardous to Your Health.† Priorities Spring 2013: 23. Loeb, Jerod M. â€Å"Human vs. Animal Rights: In Defense of Animal Research.† Taking Sides: Science, Technology, and Society. Gilford: Dushkin Publishing Group, 2011 Oà ­ Connor, Karen. Sharing the Kingdom. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Lmt, 1984. Regan, Tom. â€Å"Ill-Gotten Gains.† Taking Sides: Bioethical Issues. Gilford: Dushkin Publishing Group, 2009. Rohr, Janelle. Animal Rights: Opposing Viewpoints. NP: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Weaner, Dave. Personal Interview. 22 March, 2014 Whistler, Ann. Personal Interview. 24 March, 2014 Zak, Steven. â€Å"Ethics and Animals.† Taking Sides: Science, Technology, and Society. Gilford: Dushkin Publishing Group, 2007

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Information about Financial Aid Essay -- essays research papers

Financial Aid Financial aid is money in the form of loans, grants and employment that is available to a student to help pay the cost of attending. Financial aid comes from the federal government, which is the largest provider of aid, as well as state government, the school and a variety of other public and private sources. If you think your educational expenses are more than you and your family can afford, you should apply for financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You will need to apply for financial aid every year by completing a FAFSA. The FAFSA includes all the information necessary to determine your eligibility and must be completed if you want to be considered for any of the federal programs sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. The FAFSA is available in two formats: paper and electronic. If you complete a paper FAFSA, you will mail it directly to the application processor listed on the FAFSA. Or you can apply online at and list school code will receive your processed information. You should apply for financial aid (for the upcoming academic year beginning in August) as soon after January 1 as possible. Many financial aid programs have limited funding, therefore early application is recommended. Application should be completed at least one month prior to the semester you are planning to attend. If you apply for funding late, you will receive your funding late. Financial Aid Eligibility To be considered for financial aid you must: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  be enrolled as a degree- or certificate-seeking student. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  be a U.S. citizen or a permanent citizen of the United States. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  have a valid social security number. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  register with Selective Service (if required). †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  make satisfactory academic progress (successfully complete courses with grade of A, B, C, D or P at least 66% of the hours attempted each term with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above.) †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  demonstrate an ability to benefit (see below). The following are the different types of Financial Aid available: GRANTS - funds that do not have to be paid back. Grants offered at: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pell Grants - Federal Pell Grants are available only to undergraduates with no prior b... ...fore, must demonstrate one of the following ATB requirements: 1. High school transcript showing graduation, or 2. General Education Development (GED) certificate, or 3. COMPASS test with a minimum score of 25 on Pre-Algebra/Numerical, 62 on Reading, and 32 on Writing, all completed in one test session, or 4. College transcript with 60 or more transfer hours. Return of Title IV Aid (formerly called Refund/Repayment) The Federal Government has set guidelines concerning students who receive Title IV Aid and completely withdraw from school or stop attending courses. Any student making a complete withdrawal or that stops attending their classes who received a Federal Pell Grant, SEOG, Subsidized Stafford Loan, Unsubsidized Stafford Loan or a Parent (PLUS) Loan, will be required to pay back money to the school immediately if they drop out or stop attending courses before 60% of the semester has been finished. After the calculations are figured, the Financial Aid Office will notify any student that might owe money back to the Federal Government. Your Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress status will also be evaluated at the end of the semester and you will be notified accordingly

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Republic of Slovakia an economic overview

Ukraine, in the north by Poland and the Czech Republic, in the south by Hungary and in the west by Austria. Slovakia has the reform the advantage of a strategic position between the border of the EX. and the former Soviet Union source: SARIS (2012) According to Trading Economics (2014)9, the main trade partners of Slovakia are Euro members, Germany, Czech Republic, France, Poland, Russia and Hungary. However, even as member of European Union, Slovakia remain very interested in active relations with Eastern neigh boors.Indeed, according to a research led by Alexander Du Elba (2009)10, Slovakia s favorable to an active partnership with the Eastern countries, especially Russ Asia. Indeed, in the text, we learn that â€Å"excepted for Russia and Ukraine, all other Eastern neighbors s 0 far do not play an important role in Slovakia foreign policies and/or are not yet being considered by Slovakia political establishment as weighty actors in terms of their relevancy for the projection of n ational interests of Slovakia within the post-Soviet Eastern Europe†.This is particularly relevant for Ukraine, since â€Å"Ukrainian approach to the EX. that might result in the signing of the Association Agreement, including a deep and comprehensive free-trade agreement, is expected to boost the economic development of Eastern Slovakia and contribute to the lowering of regional did asperities in Slovakia†. More about those regional disparities will be said further in this chapter. Mr.. Dulled concludes by saying that the extension of the EX. zone to the East I s a great opportunity for Slovakia, which may become a turntable between the East and the West Of EX..Indeed, â€Å"The 9 TRADING ECONOMICS, in http://BMW. Tragicomedies. Com/Slovakia/ balance-of-trade consulted 04. 25. 2014 DULLED A. (2009), Slovakian policy towards Russia and Eastern neighbors, 10 priority of Slovakia diplomacy should be the promotion of the membership of I TTS eastern partners in WTFO which is the precondition for further liberalizing of foreign trade with t he EX.†. Regional economic disparities As we will see, automotive occupies an important place among the country's strategic industries beside representing 17% of total GAP.Currently are operating the Volkswagen plants in Deviants Novas Eves (northern Brasilia), in Martin (major city, south-east of Salina), an in Choices ; the AS Peugeot-Citroen plant in Tirana (50 km from Brasilia) and the Aka plant in Salina (Slovakia Northwest). Source: Rheostat On one hand, we have the wealthiest regions (darker blue): the regions of Brasilia and Tirana concentrate the biggest car manufactures in the country and they border Austria and the Czech Republic, two countries that also produce lots of cars or car parts, thus create Eng a synergy with the western and north-western regions of Slovakia.Surprisingly enough, the region n of Salina is not much wealthier than the southern ones, although it hosts two car manufactures: on big in Salina (Aka), and one smaller in Martin (Volkswagen). On the other hand, there is Proves that shares borders with Ukraine and Poll ND, two countries that still are a little behind compared to Slovakia. Plus it mainly hosts agricultural a activities and, in a lesser extent, food-processing and textile industries 1. Those types of industries do not usually greatly encourage development.However, we should look at these figures differently: it's not almost all region s that are behind; it's Brasilia that's far ahead. Indeed, Brasilia always received the greatest part of foreign direct investments, then name Salina and the third position is more or less a tie between Tirana and 11 SARIS, The proves Region (201 2, PA) Trending. But, as we can observe hereunder, the share of FED that the other regions race vied still is negligible: they rarely received more than 15%.One of the reason behind that is that the Brasilia region concentrates Salvo ski's most populated municipalities. Ind eed, only 0. 76% of all the municipalities (there are 3 334 in t total) have more than 10 000 inhabitants 2. It is thus understandable that industries' development I not homogeneous and is concentrated around main cities. Undersecretaries The main natural resources of Slovakia are brown coal and lignite with small q annuities of iron ore, copper and manganese ore as well.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Social Media Academic Essay

English 1020 October 31 2011 Menial Media: Employees Waste Hours of Time on the Internet Many people agree that social networking in the workplace is just asking for disaster and loss of productivity. Having different types of social networks in the workplace could also lead to uncomfortable situations between coworkers that could be bad for business. However, some disagree and believe that these sites can bring coworkers closer together. Not only do they believe it would bring coworkers together, they also say that this could increase business due to the ‘family-like' style that the given office has.Although this may be true in some cases, studies show that the majority of the time, social networking is one of the downfalls of a company because of websites such as Wiki Links, Facebook and Twitter that cause disturbances in the workplace and may even cause some of the company's private information to be leaked. Because social networking sites are such a distraction and cause ti me to be taken away from productivity, they should be banned from the workplace for employees. Bringing social networking into the workplace is sometimes risky for one who is applying to get a job.Employers can research future prospects and see what their online life is like. Although a person may not be able to be completely understood solely by their social networking site, an employer might judge them based off of it. For example, had someone had a picture of themselves tagged online for the public to see, an employer might deem that bad publicity for the company and decide not to hire this person. However, those who apply for jobs have options to set their accounts on private and social networking companies are not held responsible for the material posted. When joining either MySpace or Facebook [or Twitter], the user must agree to the terms of service and to the Web sites privacy policies† (Elzweig and Peeples â€Å"Using Social†). If anything negative happens in t he line of a person not being hired for a job due to a social networking site, that site will not be held accountable. In a few cases this does work out to the benefit of the applier. â€Å"A CareerBuilder survey of more than 2,500 employers, released in August of this year, indicated 35 percent of respondents use social media to promote their companies†(Hunt â€Å"Finders Keepers†).This means that there are endless opportunities for people to find jobs on advertisements of social networking sites. However, a company can also use these sites to see past jobs and responsibilities and check up on their background. Again, this is good for some people, but for others it is a nightmare having to go through their networking site and clear up their information. It is absurd for businesses to meddle in affairs that do not concern them. As long as an employee is doing his job right, then employers should mind their own.Employers who use social networking sites to ‘check u p' or ‘review' their employees are not being considerate to the personal lives of their workers. If, perhaps, an applier has made it past the stage of being handpicked and selected through the unfair means of social networking, he should not be allowed to access his personal networking site during work hours. This is a major distraction that could cause hours of work and productivity to be put off so that employees can update statuses, tweet, and check personal emails. Most business workers admit to spending at least one hour of their work time on a social networking site.Should companies be responsible for paying employees for this hour of free time? Only 10% of business allow their workers to be on social networking sites whenever they please (Schiller â€Å"Employers Crack†). Some argue that these sites are simply ‘mind refreshers' for employees. However, many others make an even more valid point that if a worker really needed a ‘mind refresher', then he should go on a ten minute walk outside: less productivity lost, and much more healthy. Social networking sites cause too much distraction in the workplace and should not be allowed.If the distraction of checking the website a few times a day is not enough, then consider the possibility of cyberfights. Employees upsetting each other over these sites is begging for disaster. Disgruntled employees lead to an unhappy workplace, so why allow the possibility of that to happen? Yes, it could be said that these social networks could lead to a ‘family-like environment', however the possibility for the latter is much more probable. Coworkers disagreeing with each others' personal lives is a major hazard to the stability of the workplace and could potentially lead to an employee being fired or suspended.Embarrassing, childish, and shameful arguments happen over the internet every day. One lawyer speaks,†I don't need the world knowing every time I make a comment [. . . ] there's a l ot that you can do to tweak your settings† (Schaffer â€Å"Online Networking†). What would stop these arguments from happening between coworkers in a workplace? Even ‘friending' coworkers is a potential problem, especially if the operator of the account does not like work or does not like the people at work and forgets the fact that they have been ‘friends'.This occupational hazard could easily be avoided by not allowing social networking sites in the workplace. Social networks are meant for ones personal life; work is not ones personal life, so one shouldn't mix the two. It is a bit of a gray area for most people because they do not know whether they should add coworkers onto their sites or not. Workers should work during work time and play during play time. The two should never be mixed. It is simply unprofessional to have a Facebook page up while at a work desk.There is a right time for everything, and the right time for social networking and communicatin g is for spare time , not working. Social Networking sites waste time and resources for the company. â€Å"If one employee spends one hour of company time on Facebook everyday, it potentially costs his or her employer more than $6,200 per year† (â€Å"Facebook Costs†). This time spent playing on social networking sites is losing businesses money, companies are better off just letting employees go home an hour early without pay while banning social networking sites, than allowing workers to waste this money.Another hazard of allowing personal lives to clash with work lives, is the material that is posted. It is almost too much energy to make sure that the boss cannot see when, â€Å"Called in sick to work- Fishing Day! † is posted as a status. This could end a current career. Once, I worked in a clothing store where a girl called in sick, only to post on twitter a few hours later that she and her friends were having a sleepover. This seems pretty harmless, and al though I did not care, my boss was very upset.She left a memo on the board the next day saying that if people were not going to be smart about what they posted on their social networking sites, then they would be fired. It is also quite a hassle to make sure that no unflattering pictures that shouldn't be seen by a boss, are not seen. â€Å"If an applicant or employee demonstrates a lack of discretion and judgment by posting spring break photos showing himself or herself apparently intoxicated on a [social networking] page, an employer who finds these photos online may consider the photos when deciding [. . . ] to retain the employee† (Baker â€Å"How Far†).Some say that people who are this careless should be fired anyway, but most people are completely forgetful of who they have accepted as their Facebook friend and sometimes just don't think before they post. This scenario could be completely avoided if work and social media were not mixed. The ‘Basic Informati on' section on social networking sites is a factor that could ruin many relationships at work. At work, coworkers probably do not know the entire background detail of many of their colleagues. Easy research could lead to uncalled for prejudices against others.Social networking sites are taken out of context when they are brought to the work place. That is not what they were meant for. Judgmental coworkers may read a fellow workers information and automatically decide not to like them because of the information put. The hasty generalization that is caused by these types of sites are negative because it is hard to get to know someone unless time has been spent with them. Social networking sites allow for the ‘time spent' factor to be taken away and hasty generalization on character to be in place. Even though the benefits of networking are obvious, the process of meeting new people, establishing regular contact and building meaningful relationships, is consistently challengingâ €  (Crappell â€Å"Preparing for Professional†). These sites make it easier to avoid face to face conversation with a person, and just assume that a person is exactly like their online profile. Accidentally talking bad about a ‘friended' colleague on a social networking site might be one of the most horrifying things a worker could do, unless this worker was talking bad about his boss.This isn't considered cyber-fights or cyber-bullying because it was purely an accident, and the gossiped about colleague knows that. For example, posting on Facebook that the man in the cubicle to the right smells bad is not a good idea; especially due to the face that he is bored and on Facebook as well. He sees this and does not want confrontation, so he picks the alternative: The Silent Treatment. Social networking sites cause grown adults to act like children. People argue that this can be prevented by simply paying attention.That, however, doesn't factor in the fact that people for get names every day and could very easily forget the name of the person that sits in the cubicle to the right. Social networking sites are not the places for colleagues to mingle and these sites should definitely not be brought in the workplace if they have the potential to cause this many problems. The viruses that these networks could bring in are often overlooked. Many focus on the loss of productivity, the arguments and the mixture of the office and the home. However, not many workers realize the threats that they could be causing their companies. A recent FBI report indicates that phishing scams are becoming more common on social networking sites through a combination of viruses, hacked accounts, and decoy messages† (Schiller â€Å"Phishing Scams†). Personal information and company information may be accessed through these sights and that is a major hazard for these companies. At a local restaurant, one of the employees got on Facebook and was sharing information w ith a friend. Little did this employee know that the computer was being hacked. She let out way too much personal information about herself and ended up having to get a new credit card and change her Facebook password.The dangers of these sites are unbelievable and the risk factors should be left outside of the workplace. Social networking is a distraction in the workplace that hinders work and can cause dangerous viruses to come through the computer. It causes workers to lose sight of their work while allowing them access to look at other coworkers online. It also allows room for dangers such as company secrets and personal information to be leaked. Social networking is not a good thing for the work place because of the extreme loss of productivity and money that is caused primarily by these sites.It may appear beneficial to the bonding of the company, but socializing time for coworkers should be set up at breaks from work and by voice only, not by a social networking site. Ones wo rk and ones personal life should not be intermingled by these sites. By banning these sites from the workplace, offices will be more efficient, and businesses will be better protected from hackers and spammers. Works Cited Baker, Natasha J. â€Å"How Far is Too Far? Employers and the Use of Online Searches. † Young Lawyer. Feb. – Mar. 2008: 4+. Academic OneFile. Web. 9 Oct. 2011. Crappell, Courtney. Preparing For Professional Relationship Building. † American Music Teacher. June-July 2011: 10+. Academic OneFile. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. Elzweig, Brian, and Donna K. Peeples. â€Å"Using Social Networking Web Sites in Hiring and Retention. Decisions. † SAM Advanced Management Journal Autumn 2009: 27+. Academic OneFile. Web. 22 Oct. 2011. â€Å"Facebook Costs Employers More Than $5 Billion A Year; Security firms warn that Facebook use on the job could be putting a company's network at risk. † InformationWeek 20 Aug. 2007. Academic OneFile. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. Hunt, Kristin Gunderson. Finders keepers: Social Media Strategies Help Find Top Talent. † Journal of Property Management Nov. -Dec. 2010: 36+. Academic OneFile. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. Schaffer, Noah. â€Å"Online Networking: Some Lawyers Sing Praises of Twitter and Facebook, WhileOthers Warn of Perils. † Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly 27 Apr. 2009. Academic OneFile. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. Schiller, Kurt. â€Å"Employers Crack Down on Social Networking. † Information Today Nov. 2009: 21. Academic OneFile. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. Schiller, Kurt. â€Å"Phishing Scams Edge into Social Networks. † Information Today Nov. 2009: 46. Academic OneFile. Web. 26 Oct. 2011.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Comparative Essay – Othello/Macbeth Tragic Heroes

Unit 1: ‘Many critics have argued that Othello is not a true Shakespearean tragic hero. Explore the idea that Shakespeare intended to make Othello fit the criteria of his tragic hero with comparison to Macbeth. ’ By Marina Georgallides A tragic hero, determined by Aristotle, must show a nobility and virtue of a certain magnitude however, their path to happiness should be ceased by their destructive vice (Harmartia- the flaw that eventually leads to their downfall).Peripeteia, the point where the character’s fortune changes, must evoke a state of pity and fear amongst the audience, and give above all, a didactic message. The outcome of this characteristic should result in a complex but sole instigation of both the hero’s Catharsis (a cleansing of emotion which is described by Aristotle as an effect of tragic drama on its audience) and Anagnoris when they reach their moment of realisation. It can be argued that Shakespeare fully abided by these rules in order to make a distinction between his characters’ prosperity and misfortune.Fintan O’Toole (post modernist critic) argues that Othello â€Å"is not tragic, merely pathetic†. However, Othello will be identified as a far greater tragic hero than Macbeth, illustrating how Shakespeare fully intended on creating a tragically heroic character such as Othello. As the play progresses, Othello’s monumental Harmartia is gradually revealed; his sense of inherent jealousy is implemented by Iago, the Machiavellian villain, and his gullibility makes him susceptible to it.Once he becomes convinced that his wife Desdemona is unfaithful, his jealousy does indeed feed itself just as Iago ironically warns, â€Å"the green eyed monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on† (Iago- Act 3 Scene 1), leading to the hero’s monstrous behaviour. The apparent alliteration, â€Å"death and damnation† (Act 3 Scene 3) and â€Å"waked wrath† (Act 3 Scene 3), rev eals the great influence that Iago has upon Othello as his linguistic eloquence and his mental state rapidly collapse, resulting in both his use of evil imagery in language and in action, the murder of Desdemona.The hubris, argued by Helen Gardner (in 20th century) â€Å"is heroic because Othello acts from inner necessity†, appearing to show Othello’s desire to remake the world into a better place, an act that is heroic â€Å"in its absoluteness†. This admission of ethical duty perhaps may have encouraged a contemporary audience to pity Othello as his act, although terrible in itself, is nevertheless wonderful in its own manner of righteousness. Othello therefore appears to be more honourable since his wrong doing was out of love and not of hatred, something for which Gardener seems to forgive Othello.A contemporary audience would argue that gender also plays an important role in Othello as men were regarded as stronger and wiser, making it more forgivable of Ot hello. However, a 21st century audience would view women as equally as important as men, showing that Desdemona’s murder was underserved and unforgivable of Othello. Dr Johnson (1765) declared that Othello was a â€Å"very useful moral†, as the protagonist shows how one can be stifled by naivetà ©; the repetition of â€Å"honest Iago†, the external forces of evil, combine to cause Othello’s tragic manifestation and thus, his downfall.Macbeth’s Hamartia is his lust for power that eventually and unsurprisingly leads into his downfall. Arthur Kirsch (1984) highlights Macbeth’s â€Å"emptiness of his desires and the insatiability of his aspirations†. Macbeth becomes infatuated with the witches’ prophecy as he soon discovers how real it is, allowing him to be somewhat fixated on the idea of murdering the King and soon after, Banquo. â€Å"Macbeth does murder sleep†- the use of third person indicates the exponential deteriora tion of his mental state after killing an innocent King, as a result of his unquenchable thirst for power; essentially in itself more than one of the seven vices.Both Iago and Macbeth in this case, are the embodiment of the vices, both jealousy and greed, as opposed to Othello, who is only influenced by the vice itself. J. A Bryant (1961) argues that, â€Å"Macbeth is a wholly negative character who possesses the capacity for good but chooses to commit evil instead†, illustrating that his ulterior motive wasn’t for the good or righteous, as opposed to Othello, but for the selfish rise to power, evidently making him less of a tragic hero; he merely chooses evil because it works to his own advantage rather than making the world into a ‘better’ place.Both a Shakespearean and a modern audience would believe that Macbeth, like the Devil, has willed himself into a desperate position whereby he is captive of nothing except the providence he chose to ignore. In fa ct, a further aspect of his Hamartia is arguably his supposed lack of masculinity that he is constantly belittled and ridiculed for by Lady Macbeth. The use of a rhetorical question in â€Å"Are you a man? † indicates her ability to manipulate him into believing that he is not ‘strong’ enough to murder.This too, plays an important but yet, not as dominant, role in Macbeth’s downfall. The second element combined to create a tragic hero is Peripeteia where the downfall from a virtuous status to a catastrophic one is evident. Regardless of however many times Othello is referred to as the â€Å"Moor† by Iago, a derogatory term used to highlight his race, a Shakespearean audience will still be amazed by his aristocratic virtue as he possesses the verbal eloquence to assert to the signiors in the rule of three adjectives as â€Å"potent, grave and reverend†.In Act 3 Scene 3 however, Othello makes more references to the â€Å"devil†; a reflec tion of Iago’s evil nature being imparted upon him, as â€Å"goats and monkeys† are images that connote the devil. His eloquence of poetry in Act 1 is in stark contrast to his rather barbaric and politically incorrect behaviour in Act 3, particularly to a 21st century audience as his act of â€Å"striking her† (Desdemona) across the face is an incredulous act that is totally unacceptable to feminists now but may have been deemed as common or even deserved to a contemporary audience of the 16th century.His affection dramatically changes towards Desdemona and it can be argued that Othello â€Å"allows manipulation and jealousy to lead to his self-destruction†- Tasha Kelley (2010) Othello simply cannot help the jealousy that he feels within him, no matter how much of an influence Iago is upon him. At this point, Othello is entirely convinced and absolute in the killing of his wife; the use of hyperbolic language in â€Å"I’ll tear her all to piecesâ €  emphasises his sheer mercilessness since â€Å"all† of Desdemona will be killed.Unlike Othello, Macbeth changes rather early on in the play, and the only real evidence that the audience sees of his nobility is what others say about him. In Act 1 Scene 2 Duncan expresses, â€Å"O valiant cousin, worthy gentleman†; the use of positive adjectives to describe Macbeth would give both a Shakespearean and modern audience a good impression of Macbeth even before he is revealed in the play.On the other hand, current and contemporary audiences would also notice that the other characters in Macbeth are the ones who prove Macbeth’s honorary class, and not he for himself. After one consecutive scene, Macbeth’s Peripeteia is extremely abrupt that it can be portrayed as almost non-existent. â€Å"If Chance will have me King, Why Chance may crown me, Without my stir†- immediately one gains the impression of his violent underlying tone that is implied by the use of the word â€Å"stir†, revealing to a contemporary audience that his destructive intentions are intrinsic.According to Aristotle, there must be a clear distinction between the character’s prosperity and misfortune; Macbeth, as a tragic hero, does not condition himself to these rules religiously enough and it therefore, can be argued that his downfall is far too early on in the play for an audience to fully grasp his nobility. Whereas, Othello’s greatness is explored thoroughly for two whole Acts, allowing an audience of any time period, to understand that his noble qualities are innate.A contemporary audience, for example, would understand the reason for Othello’s downfall much better than they would with that of Macbeth’s as the play enables him to develop as a character and thus, show his true intentions, which are in this case, to love and protect Desdemona. Alas, an alternative interpretation of Macbeth of a Shakespearean audience would b e that he is an incessantly complacent man who, by all means, allows arrogance to corrupt his mind even in the first scene of the play.The most famous of quotes where Macbeth visualises a dagger, represents his wavering resolve and lust for power that slowly descends into his madness. â€Å"Is this a dagger, which I see before me†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Act 1 Scene 7, the use of a rhetorical question illustrates Macbeth’s hallucination of seeing an object that is clearly not there, which in comparison is a major downfall for someone who was deemed to be â€Å"valiant† at the start of the play.Susan Snyder (1994) states that â€Å"the play provides no answers to the questions it raises about the relative culpability of the witches’ equivocal predictions and Macbeth’s potential to commit murder†. Evidently, there is no real justification or distinction in Macbeth’s downfall other than his sick ambitious need for power. The third criterion that qualifies a tragic hero is Anagnorisis, where the protagonist acknowledges his/her own flaw that has led them to their downfall.After all the accusations and trauma that Desdemona has been through, her last and most angelic words being, â€Å"Commend me to my kind lord- O, farewell! † This suggests that she is a saint for forgiving all that Othello has done to her and shows just how much she loved Othello; a contemporary audience would ultimately feel pity for her as she is not the one to blame. However, a different view of Desdemona and what she represents has emerged over recent years amongst modern audiences; feminist and new historic critics have  examined her character in relation to the society she moves in.Marilyn French (1982), explores the masculine and misogynistic value system within Othello, and despite Desdemona’s assertiveness in choosing her own husband, French emphasises that Desdemona â€Å"must be obedient to males† and is â€Å"self-denying in the e xtreme† thus when she dies she is a stereotype of female passivity. Once killing Desdemona, Othello begins to express his sincere remorse for his wrongdoing through the repetition of alliteration.The use of alliteration in â€Å"Cursed, cursed† and â€Å"cold, cold†, Act 5 Scene 2, reveals how ashamed he is with himself for committing such a crime as he is emphasising it through the repetition of consonance sound â€Å"c†, and above all, goes closer to prove his tragic hero status. Through his two speeches, Othello is able to elaborate on the fact that he is wrapped with guilt; the rhyming couplet of: â€Å"I kissed thee ere I killed thee: no way by this, Killing myself, to die upon a kiss. † epitomises his Anagnoris as he realises his sheer love for Desdemona with what remains within him, a flare of eloquence.In stark contrast, there is no real evidence of Macbeth’s Anagnoris, and in fact, he behaves rather arrogantly about the witchesâ€⠄¢ predictions because he believes that no real harm will happen to him. In Act 5 Scene 3, Macbeth expresses a very short speech in which no lamenting or mourning is apparent; â€Å"I have lived long enough; my way of life Is fall’n into the sear† is but a mere acknowledgement of his circumstances rather than realisation of his tragic flaw. A Shakespearean audience would notice that perhaps Macbeth has not fully repented for his mistake and is therefore, in terms of Aristotle, not a true, classified tragic hero.Macbeth is determined to continue fighting for his life whereas traditionally a tragic hero, such as Othello, should ultimately understand their downfall in exchange for their life. In Act 5 Scene 5, Macbeth does in fact have the verbal eloquence to express himself even in a state of supposed despair. The use of personification in â€Å"Life’s but a walking shadow† reinforces the state of his ignorance to register his own wrong doing and therefore, both a modern and contemporary audience can advocate that they do not feel the same sympathy as they do for Othello.Finally, the last criterion of a tragic hero is Catharsis; the point at which the tragic hero cleanses his heart and the audience’s too. Othello, despite all that he has been through, returns to the articulate and passionate man, and for that, an audience can feel as though the previous trauma of Desdemona’s death combined with his own wicked imagery is obliterated and washed from them. â€Å"And very sea-mark of my utmost sail† is an example of how Othello is able to speak in iambic pentameter even in such a horrific mental state, reinforcing an audience’s perception of how truly noble and titled he is.Most honourably, he is not afraid of killing himself in the name of love; he simply â€Å"kisses Desdemona, and dies†, making him appear as more of a tragic hero than Macbeth, who fights to live on. He leaves the audience feeling bere aved and pitiful because, despite his jealousy, he ‘loved Desdemona too well’, a crime that was surely too harshly punished. Although, Macbeth’s death is rather less tragic and more heroic in the sense that he refused to kill himself by â€Å"falling on my sword†; an audience would regard him as more honourable towards himself.Before Malcolm kills him, he partly recognises his wrong doing in the little speech that he gives; â€Å"Of all men else I have avoided thee: But get thee back, my soul is too much charg’d With blood of thine already†. Irrespective of the fact that Macbeth didn’t kill himself as he should have done, the imagery of â€Å"blood† reveals the extent of which Macbeth fights like a true soldier till the end. Unfortunately, as a modern audience, we cannot feel the same sympathy as we do for Othello as he neither recognises his flaw nor kills himself because of it; an imperative required for a true tragic hero.Mac beth is a rapid play that does not allow the main protagonist to develop as a character and for that reasoning; Macbeth lacks many of the imperative qualities needed within a tragic hero such as Peripeteia and Anagnorisis. Without a single doubt, Othello is one of Shakespeare’s greatest tragic heroes as fought for by Helen Gardner and Dr Johnson, regardless of Fintan O’Toole’s perception of Othello being â€Å"merely pathetic†. We can advocate otherwise that in fact Othello fulfils all four criterias of Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Gold & Educational psychology Essay

The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence  the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence  youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific  stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers. The youth culture is influenced by many things each and every day. The society, parents, care givers; all of these help influence youth. But the most important factor to help give the a visual of what teenagers are today are in fact films. You are left wondering how films help influence the teenage race? The cinema of adolescence brings an image of youth, Juno (2007), The Breakfast Club (1985) all encounter specific stereotypes which encourage teenagers.